World Men’s Day / World Day of the Man (03 November)

4 Min. Lesezeit

Have you ever heard of World Men’s Day? If not, no problem, in this article we provide you with all the important information. And also tell you why the day is particularly important for gays, also with regard to good sex with you or a partner. The most prominent keyword on World Men’s Day is “Men’s Health”.

Men’s Health Action Day

The World Men’s Day (not to be confused with the International Men’s Day on 19 November), which was founded by andrologists of the University of Vienna, has been celebrated on 3 November since 2000. The most important topic is men’s health. Andrologists are mainly concerned with male reproductive functions and their disorders. In the meantime, the focus has shifted somewhat, so that World Men’s Day is now primarily concerned with timely health care, assessing one’s own health condition and possible risks.

The man, that sometimes difficult being

Men often hesitate to seek medical help, as they feel pressured to conform to traditional gender norms that discourage showing vulnerability. This reluctance stems from societal expectations that men should be tough and not complain about minor ailments. Consequently, many men endure discomfort and stress without seeking support, which can affect their mental and physical well-being. This societal pressure to conform to traditional masculinity can make it challenging to address men’s health concerns effectively.

A topic that is still far too often taboo among homosexual men is violence in relationships. Psychological or physical violence between partners does not only occur in heterosexual couples. Many men are ashamed because the topic contradicts the common role model. According to which men belong to the strong sex, to whom such things do not happen. The consequences of violence in homosexual relationships are basically the same as in heterosexual couples. The victim suffers a lot and usually needs help to get out of the situation and away from the violent partner.

All this leads to men neglecting health care more than women. It is difficult for them to admit to mental and physical problems. The World Men’s Day was also created to counteract such masculine characteristics. It aims to make boys and men more sensitive and to give them a stronger health awareness. Men should learn to speak openly about their own concerns, even though it is considered unmanly. Especially with regard to sexual activities, it is important that a man stands his ground for as long as possible.

Health care can prolong life

It is often said that numbers are not enough. In fact, studies have shown that it is necessary to help men in particular with health care. Mortality among men is higher than among women. This is true for all age groups, even for 15- to 20-year-olds. One reason is probably the riskier lifestyle of young men. Especially when it comes to sex, they are often very experimental. Trying chemsex or sometimes leave out the condom when fucking. For this reason, consistent health care should be taken to ensure that you are healthy. Or (after being infected with an STI) receive adequate treatment and do not infect others on your next hot sex date.

The broad field of men’s health also includes, for example, the correct use of sex toys. Because men can only stay healthy if they use dildos or butt plugs or electric sex toys correctly.

But men are also more prone to classic diseases. For example, they are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, but they go for preventive check-ups less often. That preventive health care is important for men is also shown by the fact that the suicide rate is higher among men. Especially homosexual youths have a 7-fold higher risk. So there are various reasons why German men only live to be about 79 years old, which is about 5 years less than women.

Different health issues in different age groups

For men up to 50, issues such as performance, fitness, sexuality and fertility are most important. However, they are also afraid of testicular cancer or erectile dysfunction. As a result, more and more men are making an increased effort to get their first preventive check-ups. Especially when it comes to men’s health, the LGBT community tries to use World Men’s Day to raise awareness about dangerous health obstacles that men can face in later life. Such as heart and blood disorders, prostate problems or even prostate cancer.

Days like 3 November are therefore particularly suitable for showing men how important it is to take the body’s alarm signals seriously. Changes in the hormone balance because of age, the preservation of mental, physical and sexual performance, all of this should come more and more into focus with increasing age. The queer community in particular has developed many useful offers in this area.

In Munich, there has been a Männer*akademie since 2013, which deals with all topics around the topics of being a man and men’s health, also beyond the World Men’s Day. In Berlin, the Gay Health Chat, which advises and supports MSM on questions of sexual health, was developed by the Deutsche AIDSshilfe (German AIDS Aid) out of the scene-on-site prevention and with the participation of the BZgA (Federal Centre for Health Education) and the Federal Ministry of Health in 2017.

Health first, in all areas

No matter how young or old you are, let World Men’s Day motivate you to take good care of your health. The old adage that prevention is better than cure proves true time and again, especially when it comes to health. If your health is important to you, chances are good that you will live longer overall. And have more fun having sex with your partner. A quick visit to the doctor can help you to make sure that everything is in order. And that you are able to perform in every respect. Regular health care can take a lot of pressure off your shoulders and let you live and love freely and carefree.


Grab our condoms!

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