Poppers for beginners – the most important rules for dealing with the special kick

3 Min. Lesezeit

Have you never smoked before and are keen on this deep and relaxing experience? Good news for you – Poppers for beginners are available. Ideally, you should grab an experienced lover, mate or friend to accompany you on your trip. Then just choose the right poppers and you’re ready to go. You still have questions? We have summarised all the important tips and tricks for poppers beginners for you.

Which Poppers for beginners?

How poppers affect you depends on individual factors. Even your mood on the day plays a role. If you haven’t eaten much and are feeling low, even the heaviest poppers can lead to an intense experience. Basically, you will find different varieties on the market, which are categorised by users into different strength classifications. However, it is much more important to know which type of active ingredient is right for you!

Pentyl nitrite – strong effect and primarily suitable for connoisseurs

One of the strongest poppers are those made on the basis of pentyl nitrite. You will feel the impressive high immediately, and the euphoric feeling lasts well over a few minutes. As a beginner, you should not use this type of poppers alone, as the effects can overwhelm you. If you suffer from low blood pressure, a further drop cannot be ruled out. 

Isopropyl nitrite – fast but shorter effect with pleasant strength

Isopropyl nitrite is one of the most commonly used nitrites in the production of poppers (source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isopropylnitrit). The effect occurs quickly, but is less intense and long-lasting than with pentyl nitrite. This makes the small bottles the perfect option for beginners who want to slowly approach the world of poppers. Incidentally, the same also applies to hexyl nitrite, which is often referred to as a beginner’s active ingredient.

Amyl nitrite – the best-known type of poppers in the world

When we talk about the historical “original poppers”, we are talking about amyl nitrite. This active ingredient was already being used in the 1970s and quickly became widespread in the gay scene. It is quite strong and therefore only partially suitable for your first attempt. What is particularly noteworthy here is the long duration of effect, which you can also experience with isobutyl nitrite.

Safe sniffing – you need to know this when getting started

You’re already dreaming of experiencing the relaxing feeling of your bum and open-heartedly giving yourself to your lover. But so far it’s just a dream, because you haven’t even sniffed your first poppers yet. Before you get started, have a few practical tools at your side:

  • A bottle of water if your circulation reacts
  • Snacks such as snacks, trail mix or a muesli bar
  • The phone in case you are home alone

A good aid are special poppers sniffers, as they prevent direct contact between your nose and the bottle. Make sure that the liquid does not come into contact with your mucous membrane – there is a risk of injury!

Tip: If it’s your first time, only sniff once per nostril at first. After just five to ten seconds, you will notice how your pulse quickens and the warm, relaxing effect sets in.

Do not combine medication, alcohol and drugs with poppers

Most gays use poppers regularly and enjoy the warm, intoxicating and, above all, relaxing effect. In the beginning, it makes sense to avoid any other substances that have an effect on your central nervous system. Alcohol or drugs harbour the risk of significantly increasing the poppers effect.

If you are dependent on cardiovascular medication or antihypertensives, caution is advised. It is possible that your blood pressure could drop too low and make you feel dizzy. In this case, do not try poppers alone and make sure that you leave several hours between taking your medication and using poppers.

Buy poppers properly – only use Poppers for beginners from a reputable dealer

At gay parties, the little bottles change many a hand, because poppers are all the rage. Keep your hands off them if you don’t know exactly what they contain. To be on the safe side, only buy your poppers from reputable dealers and make sure you use legal branded products. If you cannot find any information about the ingredients, refrain from using them. Should an incident occur, it is important that you can specify the substance used!


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