Passive fisting session: How do I fist properly?

6 Min. Lesezeit

Passive Fisting when your bowels are not healthy – e.g. if you suffer from chronic inflammation, Crohn’s disease or even simple diarrhoea – increases the risk of infection as well as injury. And that goes for both partners. Therefore, no matter how beautiful the hand you meet is, leave it on the left if you don’t feel comfortable down there. If you don’t feel comfortable down there, leave it on the left.

The best addresses for fisting contacts

Of course, you will find fisting in the profiles of Gayromeo and Co., but all those who find fisting »only interesting« will click on the category »Fisting«. It is better to become a member of one of the many fisting clubs. Some of them have the condition that you really have to be interested in fisting. Apart from that, there are a number of sites that specialise in the needs of fisting enthusiasts, where you can watch films, get instructions, order toys, etc., depending on the site.


There is a very persistent rumour that it is a good idea not to eat for many hours before passive fisting so that the bowels are not so full. However, only 30 % of the intestinal contents are food waste products, 30 % are bacteria and 30 % are mucous membrane. So fasting reduces the amount of excreta by just 30 %. It is indeed sensible to eat little dietary fibre. So rather eat salad, vegetables and potatoes instead of wholemeal rice and a fat goose. SlimFast and everything else like astronaut food is completely absorbed by the body.

It is not good at all to eat things that leave the body only partially digested, such as poppy seed cake and nut products. They can sometimes scar your rectum. About two hours before the session, you shouldn’t eat anything at all, because every stretching of the stomach stimulates digestion and sets the bowels in motion, which in turn moves all kinds of junk towards the exit where your partner is sitting – and you certainly don’t want to mess up his hair.


The games must meet the needs of your upcoming party.

  • Stretching = small stretching
  • deep fisting = deep stretching

Bowel cleansing

Of course, far be it from us to advise you to take bowel-soothing medication before passive fisting. We only explain this here in case someone offers you a tablet to calm your bowels. Immodium (the active ingredient is a centrally acting opioid) is given if you are suffering from simple diarrhoea (belongs in every first aid kit). As this medicine does not require a prescription, you can buy it at any pharmacy. Take one tablet before the session and you will have peace of mind. If there is any rumbling in the abdominal tract during play, you can put one under your tongue to make it work faster.

Where to be fisted

Fisting is a mess, you can twist and turn it however you like. You simply need a lot of lube, “something” can slip out, you might develop a desire to cum, pee or something else, and then it would be a shame if you had to worry about the satin bed linen, the beige suede sofa or the expensive carpeting. If you opt for the bed, a large, thick beach sheet will protect you from any major mishaps. Do you prefer to do it in a sling? Then we advise you to cover the parquet or carpet around it extensively. If you expect a higher level of humidity, then use special sheets or foils. The room temperature should be well above zero. And we assume that the majority of men do not relax well under glaring operating theatre light. Neon lights are an insult to the mind.

Stay with direct passive fisting experience

Always stay with your direct experience rather than wishing you were experiencing something in particular. Try to keep your attention on your body at all times. Always stay with your rosette. If she says no, obey her. Even if someone is sitting in front of you and making promises, your rosette knows better! And what if you’re hanging in the sling next to fifteen others who have taken in not just one but two fruits, who have already eaten half the bathroom? You don’t have to keep up! You are not less worthy, not less attractive, not less lovable, just because you can’t turn into a black hole in no time at all.

Passive fisting lube

Prepare a large amount (handful) of lube in advance. Then get your buttocks lubed up thickly and make sure your fister lubes his fisting hand (with glove) properly, all the way around to the wrist. As you slide it in, lots of lubes is wiped off the surface of your glove, so there is no such thing as »too thick«. All the way around.

Who you shouldn’t fist

  • Don’t trust the next best thing! Especially as an inexperienced person, don’t just lie down in the nearest sling in the hope that an experienced person will take care of you and treat you carefully. Parties are attended by all kinds of people with all kinds of interests. Many of them have drunk alcohol or taken drugs. They could be tourists who just want to experience something, who want to return to their small town and then have something to talk about. They have other things on their mind than dealing with you and your sexual development…
  • Ask questions! Talk to him before you let him passively fist you. Has he already done it? What are his preferences (gentle, deep, hard, SM …?)
  • Keep control! He is not the right one if he goes against your clear instructions and crosses your boundaries. In this case, break off the session immediately.
  • No drugs! He is certainly not the right one if he gets totally high on drugs and only finds everything horny.

Relaxation aids

As a passive person, all you have to do now is trust the active part and what is happening. Relax using various methods (breathing and relaxation exercises, poppers, etc.) and focus your attention entirely on your sphincter, pelvis and abdomen. Breathe deep into the tops of your lungs and let all the sounds that you want to make arise. Moaning, sighing and grunting help you to relax and intensify the experience. It is normal for your body to resist the hand inside you. It will tense up to expel it again. And this pressure on your rosette can be very painful. Of course, if it becomes unbearable, ask your partner to pull his hand out again. But try to hold out as long as possible. This pressure will ease over time, and the more you engage in the stretching, the better it will feel.

Direct and guide

Don’t be afraid to guide your partner, to tell them what is good for you and what is not. But don’t forget that you can relax even more deeply when you relinquish control. So once you’ve gained trust in your partner, you’re sure that they won’t abuse your space, let go and give yourself to them. And don’t forget that you can relax even more when you give up control.

Orgasm – what is it?

Compared to a ‘normal’ orgasm, in which stimulation and sexual arousal are achieved differently, a fist orgasm can be experienced as more intense and more profound. This is because the stimulation during passive fisting takes place over a larger area and penetrates deeper into the body. The muscles in the anus area are further stimulated by the stretching and movements of the hand, which can lead to a potentially more intense sexual experience. However, if you decide to go for the classic cum, be aware that a fist in the bum will become unbearable quite quickly afterwards.


If you’ve been fisting while lying down, don’t forget that after such a deep relaxation, your circulation is often in the basement. So get up slowly. Take your time. Let’s not beat about the bush: the tendency to bleed is very high in beginners. That’s why you shouldn’t overdo the stretching. If your rosette is open and someone puts their hand on you, you will experience internal bleeding, which is similar to sore muscles and can be felt as shooting or pulling pain. You will feel it for four or five days later, which pain fans will enjoy, but may frighten everyone else. This pain is quite normal, in fact, it would be a surprise if you didn’t feel it. Depending on the type of stress, it can take a few months for your insides to get used to the new challenges.

Aftercare from passive fisting

After the session, it is highly recommended that you use a small, warm douche to get rid of anything that doesn’t belong there. The emphasis, however, is on »small«. So don’t go on flushing for hours – run in half a litre of lukewarm water, let it soak in, done. You can also get rid of bacteria that have invaded you in this way. However, there is no point in taking medicines that build up the intestinal flora, such as Parentherol or similar. They help the intestine, but not the rectum. On the other hand, it is advisable to lubricate the hole with care creams afterwards. Your doctor or pharmacist will be happy to advise you.

What you should watch out for

  • Only get involved in passive fisting with someone you know
  • Don’t let more than one man fist you at the same time
  • For the first time, stay away from drugs!
  • Don’t let anyone who has taken drugs fist you
  • At parties, make sure that your partner only uses your lubricant and that no one else has access to it
  • Make sure he doesn’t touch anything outside the lube with his gloves.
  • Continue to ask him to add lube.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Make noises that let your partner know how you’re doing.
  • Let your partner know how you’re doing.


This will help you relax!

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