IBS – Irritable bowel syndrome

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Have you been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), also known as “functional gastrointestinal disorder (GI)”? This gastrointestinal disorder may make you think that you should abstain from anal sex. But this is not necessary at all. Even with irritable bowel syndrome, anal sex can be a lot of fun for you as a bottom. It’s just important to know how to deal with gastrointestinal complaints. And how to practise anal sex so that you and your partner can really enjoy it.

What is irritable bowel syndrome?

Medicine defines irritable bowel syndrome as a disruption in the interaction between your gut and your brain. Emotional factors, above all stress, as well as certain foods seem to promote not only the occurrence but also the worsening of gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation). In the past, the disease was often considered to be purely psychosomatic. Although psychosocial factors may have an influence, irritable bowel syndrome should rather be understood as a combination of physiological and psychosocial factors. Unfortunately, no method of curing this condition has yet been discovered. And, unfortunately, the condition can manifest itself completely unexpectedly and accidentally. In the worst case just when you’re about to let your partner give you a good fucking. But don’t worry. There are ways and means that can help make anal sex an unforgettable experience for both of you.

How does the disease affect anal sex?

Irritable bowel syndrome can severely affect your anal sex. Causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhoea. Which can not only make your anal pleasure uncomfortable and painful, but can also make anal sex completely impossible. In addition, the condition can lead to anxiety or stress, which could affect your sexual desire.

To ensure that everything goes smoothly and without problems, you need to prepare yourself carefully before having anal sex. This can mean taking medication or consuming or avoiding certain foods. Alex Hall, the operator of the YouTube channel “The Bottom’s Digest”. For example, mentions the regular consumption of psyllium husks as a proven means of having a positive influence on digestion and bowel movements and getting the symptoms under control. Hall has also published a foodmap list of foods that can alleviate the symptoms caused by irritable bowel syndrome. And prevent you from having great anal sex.

How to have good anal sex despite irritable bowel syndrome

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and still don’t want to give up anal sex, it makes sense to sit down with your doctor and draw up a plan to help you control. Or temporarily avoid the symptoms of the condition. One way to do this could be a foodmap diet, i.e. a plan that takes into account which foods and drinks cause the gastrointestinal symptoms. It is also important to consider which stress factors and situations exacerbate the symptoms. This could be travelling, large meetings, a heavy workload or other stressful events that affect your bowel movements.

To find out which foods cause symptoms and which do not, you can, for example, keep a food diary and record all the situations you encounter on a daily basis. This will allow you to recognise patterns that give you the opportunity to avoid certain foods before sex and avoid trigger situations.

When it comes to food, the intake of fibre and probiotic supplements can be helpful. As irritable bowel syndrome and changes in the microbiome can go hand in hand. Fibre fills up your stool and promotes a complete bowel movement. Probiotics, on the other hand, help to ensure that your digestive system and anal microbiome are healthy.

What you can do to have fun with anal sex despite irritable bowel syndrome

For you as an irritable bowel syndrome patient, anal penetration by your partner can be painful. This is because your sphincter muscle is too tight, which doctors refer to as an accompanying dysfunction of the pelvic floor. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome D (the D stands for diarrhoea), your days are characterised by the fact that you are afraid of having to go to the toilet.

This fear causes you to constantly tighten your pelvic floor, which can lead to cramps. So-called anal dilation exercises can be very helpful here. As they strengthen and stretch the skin and muscles in the anal area. The result is not only a better bowel movement, but also pleasure as the pain subsides. You can easily incorporate these exercises into your daily routine, as you only need 3 to 5 minutes per session. It’s best to do the exercises 2 to 3 times a week.

One of these stretches, which was developed by a Dr Carlton, is called the clock technique. It involves inserting your index finger into your butt hole and taking deep breaths for about 30 seconds. Stretching the sphincter muscle by pressing your finger against the resistance at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock. The shower is particularly suitable for this exercise because the warm water and steam can help you to relax your body and mind. The shower also has advantages when it comes to cleaning up afterwards. Some also use anal Botox injected by a doctor to relax the sphincter muscles and pelvic floor. These exercises give you the opportunity to void completely if you suffer from tight skin and muscles. As a result of such exercises, there is also a reduction in contractility during the day and relief of IBS symptoms.

These tips make anal sex really fun despite IBS

In order for everything to work out during anal sex, it is also important to communicate effectively with your partner. With whom you should talk about your IBS symptoms, concerns and fears. If they understand your body and the sometimes unexpected symptoms that IBS can cause, they can cope much better with possible illness-related events. Here you need a partner who is sensitive.

What you should never forget, despite all your lust and desire, is to listen to your body. You can of course use relaxation techniques to manage any discomfort. But if there is no other way and penetration becomes too uncomfortable, have the courage to end the sex adventure if necessary. Always remember that your body is trying to tell you with pain that you should not continue.

The importance of anal showers for irritable bowel syndrome

If you want to be absolutely sure that there are no unpleasant surprises during anal sex with your partner, you can use the good old anal douche before sex. However, you shouldn’t overdo it. Many people don’t realise that the excessive use of anal douches with large amounts of liquid and/or too many rinses very often exacerbates the symptoms of this gastrointestinal disorder. For this reason, it is best to use an anal douche with a not too large water reservoir and isotonic or isoosmolar fluids. These are compatible with your body, so to speak, and won’t cause any irritation.

Doctor, routine, preparation & communication: How to enjoy anal sex even with irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is certainly an unpleasant condition. But you shouldn’t let it take the fun out of your sex life. By combining the most important influencing factors, IBS can be integrated into your life in such a way that you can also have fun with your partner when it comes to sex. If you consult your doctor, get into a good routine in terms of diet and stress prevention and prepare for anal sex with exercises and a properly dosed anal douche, nothing can really go wrong. If you can also talk openly about IBS and its symptoms with your (respective) and hopefully sensitive and understanding sex partner, nothing will stand in the way of your sex and a great anal experience.


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