Fisting anatomy – how to do it right?

10 Min. Lesezeit

It should be obvious to everyone where to go. But how does one find one’s way through the maze?
Whoever studies Fisting anatomy books easily comes to the assumption that the intestines are laid out in the same way in all people. Because only one illustration is shown with an arrangement of the organs. The common anatomy books show only the usual course of the intestines. It is left to the surgeons to deal with the exceptions. There are, after all, exceptions that are important to know, especially in fisting, both in the act itself and in the preparation for it. But before you have to worry about the position of your partner’s bowels, you have to overcome the biggest obstacle. The sphincter, a ring muscle and perhaps the strongest in the human body. By the way, overcoming this obstacle alone is a pleasure for many people, both passively and actively.

Fisting anatomy: Where is the appendix?

The most important parts of the fisting anatomy include the rosette, the rectum and the transition to the large intestine. Closed by a thin muscle is the anus, but by a ring up to three centimetres thick. The thickness of the muscle is on the one hand congenital (i.e. genetic). On the other hand training-related, i.e. dependent on its daily use. And last but not least dependent on the psyche. In people with a panic of being »unclean« it is more pronounced, whereas »armchair poopers«. For example, people who sit in front of the computer all day, usually do not have any particularly pronounced muscle tension in the pelvic floor. The thickness of the muscle ring also determines to a certain extent how difficult it is to penetrate it.


In medical terms, a distinction is made between the external and internal sphincter muscles. The external sphincter consists of striated muscles and can be controlled voluntarily. Internal sphincter, however, consists of smooth muscle and is not subject to the will.
The difference is quickly illustrated: Normally you only have a bowel movement when you want to. That is, with your trousers down, sitting relaxed on the pot. Sometimes, however, the urge to have a bowel movement is so strong that you can resist it as much as you want. But it still shoots out the back.
When we talk about will, we of course mean the conscious everyday will. Anyone who has studied yogism knows that the involuntarily controlled musculature can also be influenced. Even the heart rhythm can be slowed down or speeded up voluntarily. But for this, as well as for relaxing the involuntarily controlled sphincter muscle, special training is required.


Between the sensitive skin of the anal canal and the sphincter muscle itself is a dense network of veins. An intelligent invention of nature, because this network of veins is also highly flexible in the micro-area and can thus ensure that the anus remains 100% airtight in healthy people.
But everyone also knows the disadvantages of this construction. If the connective tissue is weak due to genetic factors, if it is exposed to too much pressure or friction, it can »wear out«. This results in what are known as haemorrhoids. Although they are adored, even fetishised, by some lovers, they cause all kinds of discomfort in everyday life. Sitting down can be uncomfortable, bowel movements are usually not much fun, not to mention wiping them off afterwards. If you get such a diagnosis from your doctor, you are usually advised to have an operation. The enlarged, possibly even protruding veins (can easily reach the size of grapes) are scorched, the tissue becomes scarred and loses its elasticity. Fistulae adversely affect the skin.


It is not absolutely necessary to know the position of the prostate gland for penetration into the intestine, but it is interesting for fisting pleasure. When fucking (or being fucked) you have probably already noticed that there is a place down there that, when stimulated, emits a kind of electric current that can radiate from the pelvis to the tips of the toes and hair. Some people are downright addicted to these (electric) jolts. Done correctly, prostate stimulation can help you have deeper and longer orgasms, sometimes even without coming in the classical sense. On the other hand, stimulation can also lead to sperm gushing or squirting out of the cock without the usual »I–ve-come-feeling«.
Knowing the location and function of the prostate helps you, as an active fister, to take advantage of its special characteristics. Such as stroking, rubbing or squeezing it with your finger while still trying to penetrate the sphincter muscle with your hand. This can distract the fistula from the pain of stretching and help it to relax. But even when you are already inside, stimulating the prostate gives you all kinds of pleasure.
The prostate is easy to feel. It lies about a finger’s length deep on the front wall of the intestine. It is about the size of a walnut when healthy and should be soft but clearly demarcated from its surroundings. You can feel it on yourself right now. You can do this either lying on your back or on all fours.
PS: A regular prostate massage protects it from deposits, calcification and maybe even cancer.


Sawtooth line

Now hold on – one more fact with which you can collect points at the next regulars’ table meeting. At the top of the anal canal are swellings, not unlike the things in your cock. These erectile tissues become more or less perfused depending on the consistency of your stool and swell to form another seal that keeps your fancy underwear from rallying. As they swell, the swellings bulge out like teeth, which in technical terms are called »crypts«.
Don’t panic, even though these things are so martially named. Your hand won’t get hurt while you’re rubbing up against them. You won’t even feel them. We just want to make it clear with these detailed explanations that the locking system at the bottom of your body is about as sophisticated as the safes of Fort Knox. In the hope that you understand how careful you have to be when getting over it.
A few more words about their function: They only swell up when the rectum is filled. And especially when the intestinal contents contain a high proportion of gases, as after eating bloomy food (e.g. vegetables, onions). However, since we will be talking about Fisting anatomy with a flushed bowel, these serrated lines do not play a role for you.
PS: By the way, morrhoids can also develop at this point.


Above the swelling body begins the area called the ampulla, a sac-like bulge of the intestine where faeces collect.
It is correspondingly stretchy. Many fisters are content with this stretch. And why not? One cannot blame anyone who has not yet experienced the happiness of deeper höhlener research. To experience this, however, one must find the transition from the colon to the sigmoid. More on this later.
Before that, it should be mentioned that the ampulla is held in place by stretchable tissue. This tissue can be man, but it can also stretch itself to such an extent that the entire ampulla emerges through the sphincter muscle – in medicine called prolapse. People to whom this simply happens are frightened. Most have surgery to prevent it from happening again.
Some experienced fisters look for this condition deliberately. They stretch the sphincter open with two hands, grab the ampulla and bring it out into the daylight so that its deep red mucous membrane can turn towards the sun like a rosebud: Rosebud (rose petal) – an advanced technique.

How digestion works – Fisting anatomy

A short excursion into the human digestive system in our Fisting Anatomy – Guide. From the stomach, the food pulp passes through the duodenum into the small intestine, which is between three and five metres long, where the last nutrients, such as protein and fat, are extracted. If you look at the abdomen from the front, the transition from the small to the large intestine is located at the bottom left of most people’s stomachs, where the appendix is located, if you still have it. In the large intestine, only water is then extracted from the formerly delicious roast pork. Causing it to more or less thicken before it gathers in the ampoule like a horde of schoolchildren just before they are released into the playground. (Did we say that discreetly enough?).
Those who have been reading carefully will have remembered that the large intestine only extracts water. Fisting with fatty lubricants does not make you fat. The food is transported by a rhythmic movement of the intestinal muscles. This contraction takes place in a kind of wave motion from the beginning to the end. What can we compare this with? Perhaps with the way you milk a cow? Hm, not everyone knows how that works either. Well, you just have to believe. Unfortunately, you can’t forget it, because it will become very important later on. When you have to outsmart peristalsis (the undulations of the intestines, as they are called in technical jargon) in order to reach the upper regions of the abdomen.


The piece between the rectum and the descending colon looks like the siphon of a common sink. But has a completely different function. The body does not have to worry about the stench trap at this point. But about extracting the last of the water from the food pulp. And when the sigmoid is sufficiently full, it rises (by intestinal contraction) and pushes the stuff. Similarly as the farmer with the fork pushes the manure – into the rectum, from where it sees the light of day.

One-way street

90% of fisting sessions end before this depth has even been reached. It is not just down to your fingering skills alone how deep you can go, it also depends on the position you have chosen (see positions) and simply on your individual fisting anatomy. The illustrations below show you that the sigmoid can be positioned very differently in people. Figure a) shows the typical position found in about 70% of people. It is also the one that can be found in almost all anatomy books: The sigmoid, as its name suggests, first falls off behind the ampulla and then winds its way up along the pelvis.
But it can also be more intricate. Figure c) shows that the sigmoid, instead of descending to the right as usual, can also first lead to the left and then wind in a wide arc above the ampulla to the right in the pelvis, where it then passes into the descending colon.

The position as in figure d) is also documented in anatomy books. The sigmoid joins the ampulla in a straight line, then drops steeply and far down to the left, where it joins the colon. This position explains why some men can get relatively far, but then suddenly stop.

Figure b) shows the »miracle of depth«. If you come up against someone with such an intestinal position, you can jump into them up to the elbow in almost no time at all (figuratively speaking and a discreet exaggeration!). Here, the sigmoid leads sloping upwards into the large intestine. There are no annoying jams and tangles that make it necessary to search for the next centimetre. If you are a happy owner of a b-pouch yourself, you can also be happy that the flushing is done with no fuss at all.



The end of the spine, the so-called coccyx, can become an obstacle. If you are sensitive here, you can get a bruise if you push in too hard and then have to come up with a good excuse when you see the doctor.
You can see the position of the coccyx in the illustration above. When fisting lying down, you have to be pretty stupid to injure yourself there, but when standing or squatting with a lack of fisting anatomy knowledge, this can happen relatively quickly.


There’s another organ that’s not important for intestinal transit, but you should know its location: the urinary bladder, where your urine is collected before you pee. It is a funny structure. You are probably familiar with bladder pressure. It occurs when the bladder is full. Now, when you fist, your bladder tells your brain that it is full, even though it was thoroughly emptied before the procedure (which is definitely recommended).
Since it rarely leads to the longed-for deep pleasure to interrupt fisting when your hand is already inside, you will be even more disappointed when you then sit on the toilet and realise that nothing is coming out.
In such a moment, i.e. when the fist thinks that his bladder is not empty after all, you should therefore always give him permission to just let it run. This is more or less inevitable, because as long as he tries to refrain from peeing, he will not be able to relax, and as long as he can’t really let go, the fisting will usually turn into a torment rather than a relief. If the fister thinks his bladder is not empty after all, he should always be allowed to let it go.


Having passed the sphincter, having passed the prostate and bladder and having done your job well there, the next thing you will encounter is something pulsating. The heart? So if you’ve made it this far, and your partner is still alive, you can safely close this guide. If he shows no more signs of life, you may now close the website as well, because then it is high time to call an ambulance.
If your hand has only disappeared into him to just behind the wrist, the pulsation is more likely to be a blood vessel. Many fisters assume that they are holding the aorta, i.e. the main artery of their counterpart, in their hand, but you know better now: it is the left pelvic artery that runs along the intestinal wall. Not bad either. Pulsation is pulsation, in both cases it is the blood flow that you feel, and it comes from the heart. Feeling it creates a very intense feeling of nurturing. Pulsing is pulsing, in both cases it is the blood flow that you feel and it comes from the heart.

Large intestine

If you have actually made it this far, even more patience is now required. The large intestine is built a bit like an accordion, with the narrower parts being rings of muscle. These rings of muscle alternately relax and tighten on their own to move the food. If you want to go deeper into the intestine, it is of course easiest to wait until these muscles relax. Advance to the next muscle ring, wait for it to relax, advance and so on.

Fisting anatomy facts you need to remember

  • The sphincter muscle varies in strength from person to person
  • The thicker the pelvic floor, the more difficult it is to penetrate.
  • Behind the sphincter muscle, you enter the ampulla, the stretchy »end storage«.
  • When fisting, it can be helpful to stimulate the prostate.
  • With one hand in the buttocks, you may well feel bladder pressure even though the bladder is completely empty.
  • Many fistes enjoy getting the ampulla stretched.
  • The sigmoid is located differently in different people, which is why the transition may not be so easy to find.
  • Once you have overcome this hurdle of fisting anatomy, you now need to feel the intestinal muscles and move deeper into the abdominal cavity with each relaxation.


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