Disposing of poppers – This is how you can get rid of the liquid hot maker

4 Min. Lesezeit

Poppers make sex exciting, relax you, make you willing and hot and let you experience a hot orgasm. Unfortunately, it doesn’t last forever. If you have the little bottles in the fridge and realise that they no longer work, you should dispose of them safely. You can find out the best way to do this in this article.

This is why poppers lose their effectiveness

You may wonder why poppers no longer make you feel particularly horny after inhaling them? Or why your heart no longer beats faster? And why your sperm no longer spurts out of your cock in lush bursts during orgasm? There are several reasons for this

Poppers usually consist of amyl nitrite, isopropyl nitrite, pentyl nitrite or related compounds. These are volatile, which means they dissolve over time. Each time the small bottles are opened, the popper mixes with the more or less humid air in the room. The water vapour and oxygen contained in the air worsen the composition of poppers. Heat can also shorten the shelf life of your popper. Which is why you should store it in a cool place, such as a refrigerator or freezer. Always make sure that children do not have access to the bottles.

When the popper bottle is nearly empty, it likely contains only nitrites, which can be harmful. If the poppers no longer have a fruity smell but emit a foul odour, or if impurities like foreign bodies or dust are visible in the liquid, it’s time to dispose of them. Also, if the expected effects don’t occur after inhalation, it’s best to get rid of them. Some popper bottles contain small ceramic gels to absorb moisture and prolong their effectiveness. However, if the poppers turn into slime at the bottom of the bottle, it indicates a faulty seal. Possibly due to improper filling during production.

Durability of poppers

Since there is no best-before date on popper bottles, it is important to know that if they are unopened and in their original packaging, you can keep them for several years if stored correctly. Once you have opened them and stored them in a dark and cool place, you can enjoy them for up to eight weeks. That’s how long they usually last before the compounds have evaporated, so you should discard the poppers. Of course, it would be perfect if you are a passionate poppers fan and manage to inhale the contents before you have to throw the bottles away.

Under no circumstances should you take a risk and use poppers that are already older. If you do, you run the risk of irritating your nasal septum and/or bronchial tubes or getting a severe headache.

How to dispose of poppers

There are two different ways to dispose of poppers. Both of which are environmentally friendly and do not pose a health risk to anyone. With one method, you can even reuse the old poppers in a useful way.

The first method may sound a little unusual, but it works perfectly, keeps things clean and saves money. You can use the liquid left in an almost empty bottle as a cleaner. The poppers’ residue can be used, for example, to clean old trainers, to remove paint from furniture or to clean mirrors and windows. Because the typical popper smell no longer exists, no one will notice that you are using a cleaning agent that just a few days ago made you horny for a fuck and gave you a mega orgasm.

The second way to dispose of poppers is to first store the empty popper bottles somewhere safe and then take them to a waste disposal centre. Under no circumstances should you simply flush the remains of the popper bottle down the toilet or flush it down the sink. This could cause the nitrite to get into the groundwater and contaminate it. To keep the nitrites out of the environment, it is also advisable not to empty the old popper bottles. This way, residues could get into the water cycle and even the smallest amounts could be harmful.

Basically, poppers are chemicals, so you should dispose of them in the same way. Therefore, you should dispose of them in the same way as other chemicals used in the household. In Germany, there are special collection points for chemicals, usually at the municipal recycling centres, sometimes there are also mobile hazardous waste collection centres in the cities.

When poppers are most effective

Although this is about the safe disposal of poppers, a little advice on how to get the best effect out of your popper should not be missed. To prolong its shelf life, it is best to store poppers in the freezer. As soon as you need the bottle, you should take it out early. This is important because the poppers cannot “evaporate” properly if it is too cold. If it gets wet, which always happens as soon as you take the bottle out of the fridge and open it before it reaches room temperature, the poppers will decompose within a few days. Therefore, hold back your horniness until the bottle is warm. It has been proven that hand-warm poppers are most effective. By the way, you should never heat poppers because the contents will explode.

So, because storing poppers is all about the right temperature, it would of course be counterproductive to carry your bottle around in your pocket for hours on end, for example when visiting a club (hoping for horny sex in the loo). In the long run, it is simply too warm in your trouser pocket. Storing it in the glove compartment of your car, in your briefcase or in the drawer of your desk is also not a good idea, as these places are less suitable due to fluctuating temperatures.

After the disposal is before the purchase

Once you have disposed of the old popper bottles, you can easily get new poppers online. When it comes to durability, make sure that you buy from a reputable retailer and only buy brand-name products. This way, you can be sure that your poppers will last for a long time if they are stored and used correctly, and that you won’t have to dispose of them and buy new ones after just a short time.


Click here to go to our poppers shop!

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