What should I pay attention to during anal sex? Anal hygiene done right!

4 Min. Lesezeit

To flush or not to flush is not so much a matter of personal preference. It is above all a matter of health. We have summarised the best tips for flushing here because we are convinced that a clean bowel is not only a question of hygiene, but above all because flushing helps to preserve your health. Good flushing removes hard-to-digest or undigested intestinal contents, such as poppy seeds and nuts (which are sharper than you might think), which could otherwise damage the intestinal wall. In addition, if you know how to do it, the matter is quickly settled.

Anal hygiene: Flushing made easy – What is faeces?

Faeces consist of the indigestible parts of the food, the dietary fibres as well as undigested residues such as fat, starch, connective tissue and muscle fibres and the amount of water that has not been absorbed in the upper parts of the large intestine.

The body’s own substances include dead intestinal cells, digestive enzyme residues and mucus. The bile pigments bilirubin and biliverdin are broken down by bacteria in the large intestine to stercobilin, bilifuscin and mesobilifuscin, giving the characteristic yellowish-brown to dark brown colour. Small amounts of the bile acids themselves, as well as the lecithin and other phospholipids secreted by the bile to protect the intestinal mucosa, are excreted with the faeces.

The unpleasant odour of the faeces of omnivores comes from indole and skatole as well as from alkanethiols. These are formed during the digestion of proteins. Hydrogen sulphide also contributes to the odour. It is formed when the sulphur-containing amino acids of proteins are broken down by bacteria.

With about 30 % of the dry weight, the intestinal flora is an essential component of the faecal. As the normal flora, it consists of the microorganisms found in the colon.

Function of the intestine

Before we go into the flushing techniques and principles of anal hygiene, a quick excursion into physiology. For example, how your digestive system works, because it’s important to understand it before you start flushing.

The intestine moves food through the contraction and relaxation of its ring-like muscles, from the entrance to the exit. This process is similar to emptying a garden hose, with each ring of muscles contracting in sequence. The movement, known as “propulsion,” is driven by the intrinsic rhythm of the muscles and local reflexes in the intestines. The bowels only move when there is something to propel, such as intestinal contents. They rest and recover between meals.

Reflexes can be triggered not only by the contents of the intestines but also by eating through the mouth. When you consume something, a reflex arc releases hormones, signalling the stomach and intestines to activate.

Some bottoms choose to fast before sex, but it’s not necessary. Eating easily digestible food a few hours before is sufficient. It’s important to avoid heavy meals. Caffeine also stimulates peristalsis, aiding digestion and bowel movements. Taking advantage of caffeine’s effect before sex can help prepare the rectum for play.

From the gel you have just taken, you can make use of the effect of caffeine in the run-up to fucking, namely to provoke a bowel movement – because nothing prepares you better for the game with the rectum than a natural emptying of the same.

From what we have just learnt, it quickly becomes clear that peristalsis can also play a trick on us when we are flushing. If you fill your bowels to the brim, you will spend hours trying to empty them again.

Positions for Anal hygiene

Before we go into the cleaning necessities of these three needs in more detail, a word about the positions, which applies to all douches: As a hygiene-conscious gaylette, it is obvious to carry out the douching process under a running shower. Unscrew the shower head, screw on the rinsing rod, place it on the rosette and off you go.

Not only does this sound like a clean solution, it also protects the odour buds from too much pollution. But! Let’s recall the anatomy once again. The sigmoid first falls behind the ampulla before it passes into the large intestine. The water remains in the siphon-like bulge until it is expelled with the next peristaltic movement. But when will that happen?

Since you have dutifully followed our advice not to eat anything heavy during the day, and have kept your hands off any snacking for two hours before eating, the peristalsis will take its time – and, with a bit of bad luck, will only catch up with you when you expectantly stick your butt up in the air on a date.

It is therefore better to give yourself the enema not standing up, but lying down, on your left side. At least for most of us. For a few, the rectum may be in such a position that the left lateral position doesn’t work. You will find that out after a few attempts.

Quantity of water

Travel anal showers hold volumes of 100 ml to perhaps 300 ml. You won’t get very deep with that. To properly clean the lower part of your rectum, you will probably need two sprays (one for coarse and one for rinsing), each with a maximum of half a litre of liquid – and that’s a lot.

Rinsing liquid

Speaking of liquid. In the scene, all kinds of additives are often used for enemas in anal hygiene. Apart from various drugs, coffee, alcohol or aspirin are also popular. Leave that to the experienced. The liquid for the enema should always be at body temperature. Body-warm means that you don’t feel any difference in temperature when you put your fingers in. Irrigation water that is too cold or too hot irritates the bowel, may even lead to hypothermia or burns, and makes the sensitive mucous membrane more susceptible to injury and the penetration of pathogens. And since we’re talking about pathogens: don’t add anything germicidal (Sagrotan, antibiotics, Domestos).

The rinsing

  • Use a maximum of half a litre of body-warm water
  • Make sure that the filler neck has no sharp edges
  • A small amount of lubricant can work wonders here too
  • Let the water work for 10 minutes
  • Empty yourself
  • Repeat the process 
  • Wait half an hour before playing with yourself to see if »something« slips in. Done!

Additions for anal hygiene

To avoid irritation of the intestines, you can add a teaspoon of food (e.g. sunflower oil) to the rinse water. Anything else is big mischief.

Whoever travels to distant countries and does not want to do without his favourite practice should buy a corresponding set of adapters for the various connections.


Click here for our anal showers!

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