Anal douche & digestion: tips for clean and relaxed anal sex

5 Min. Lesezeit

Among gays, anal sex is simply a part of life in many cases. But most of them don’t want to get dirty. Fortunately, thanks to practical anal douche, there is always a way to ensure clean conditions beforehand.

In principle, however, your digestion also plays an important role. Whether using these showers or going to the toilet before sex in general, healthy digestion is half the battle. We’ll tell you what you can do yourself in our little overview.

Intestinal alarm – when constipation affects anal pleasure

It’s that topic that no one likes to talk about. Sure, you’ve just picked up a really hot guy and, as the passive part, you’re already keen on his cock. If you can’t go to the toilet, you’ll quickly panic. How are you supposed to make him understand that you are constipated? Not something we like to talk about with our latest conquests, at least not during the first fuck.

The solution to the problem: promote the relief and use of anal douching with optimal digestion. Human digestion is largely dependent on what you eat during the day. As is always the case, what tastes good is usually not very beneficial. Lots of carbohydrates, sugar and fatty foods can cause constipation. Above all, a lack of dietary fibre is a serious problem. You can counteract this, for example, by replacing your morning Nutella slice with a bowl of porridge (oatmeal) with fresh fruit and nuts.

Of course, if you are constipated, even a small anal douche won’t help. Even enemas are difficult to use in this situation, but they can help with emptying. We have three tips for you below on how you can positively influence your digestion:

1. Water is the be-all and end-all for good digestion

Are you one of those men who would rather drink a Coke or a beer than plain, boring water? Hydration is crucial because it makes it much easier to transport organic substances in the intestines. If you are dehydrated, your bowel movements will be too dry and will hardly move forward. Therefore, try not to go below the minimum of two litres per day. You can drink your beer in the evening or a cold cola as well!

Tip: If you have a date in the evening and urgently need to go to the toilet in the morning, drink a glass of lukewarm water with a squeeze of lemon. It’s not necessarily delicious, but it will stimulate your metabolism and digestion.

2. good fibre for your body – you always need fibre

We have already touched on the subject of dietary fibre above. The little helpers ensure that your digestion remains active and that you eliminate stool more easily. Fruits and vegetables are important, but the focus is especially on legumes. Go ahead and have some pea soup or cook a bolognese with lentils. These little helpers of nature make bowel movements supple and facilitate transport.

If you have permanent problems, psyllium husks could also be a good tip for you. They swell in water and in contact with moisture and give your bowel movements more volume. This in turn stimulates the peristalsis of your intestines and the faeces are transported more quickly and easily towards the exit.

3. Gentle massages stimulate bowel movements – ready for anal sex

In the evening, you will make yourself comfortable with your lover. You sniff poppers and want to let loose. In the morning, take it easy by stimulating your digestion with a little massage. Massage your stomach in a clockwise direction to support peristalsis. Feel free to combine this measure with the others. For example, eat a bowl of oatmeal beforehand and pour yourself a large glass of warm water. This way, you can make sure that you have to go to the toilet better and faster.

The anal douche – how to keep things clean

If you have just been to the toilet, an anal douche is not really necessary. Most men, however, feel much cleaner in the back and can let themselves go much better after they have flushed.

You’ve never done it before, and now you’re wondering how it’s all going to work? Don’t panic, we’re happy to help you with that too. Your anal douche doesn’t look as scary as you imagined, does it? Quite small and actually even handy.

All you need now is a little lube and lukewarm water. And now the step-by-step instructions to make sure your loose digestion really works:

  1. Fill your shower with warm water. Please do not use any oils, steam or the like. You will damage the intestinal mucosa, and your partner will not smell anything anyway.
  2. It’s best to put a foot on the toilet lid or the edge of the bath. Massage the lube onto your rosette and then slowly push the tip of the shower into your rectum. It should be a few centimetres. The lube makes it slip well, so take your time!
  3. Now squeeze the shower and empty the water into your bowel. Now squeeze your ass cheeks together and leave it there for about two minutes. Then you can go to the toilet and empty yourself. Depending on the quality of your digestion, you will now have a bowel movement, or sometimes just some liquid. You simply repeat the procedure until, at the end, only clear water flows out of the rectum.

It’s important to plan two hours of preparation time before you finally go on a cloth-fed session with a boy. Even after an hour, you may still need to get rid of a little water in the back.

Sport & abstain from stimulants for a better digestion – you can do that too

When you go to the gym, you not only have a hot view of horny gays. By exercising, you’re also stimulating your digestion and making it easier for you to go to the toilet. Studies also suggest that regular exercise can reduce the risk of bowel cancer (source:

However, it’s fair to say that this doesn’t work for one-off gym visits. If you want to use exercise to activate healthy digestion, you should exercise regularly. It doesn’t even have to be the gym, jogging or even a dance class with your loved one will stimulate the bowels just as much.

And how could it be otherwise, of course, abstaining from stimulants can also help you. A lot of alcohol not only makes the stool smell unpleasant, but can also lead to constipation or even diarrhoea. The same applies to red meat. After a barbecue with lots of beer, anal sex is often a bit difficult. If, on the other hand, you have eaten a high-fibre meal with lots of natural proteins a day or two beforehand, emptying will be much easier.

Summary: Good digestion for horny fucks – ensure perfect conditions

If the healthy cereals come out of your ears in the morning, and you would rather eat a croissant, think of your lover. Doesn’t it feel incredibly horny when he shoves his fist up your ass or pleasures you with his cock? So, supporting your digestion isn’t just a frustrating sacrifice of tasty things. It’s an awesome way to take your anal sex to a new level in the future, thanks to easier evacuations and cleaning options.


Click here for our anal showers!

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