Tools for the hot fisting session

12 Min. Lesezeit

There are a few aids that make fisting safer and more enjoyable. All about gloves, lubricants and fisting furniture. Rumour has it that there are people who can get their hands in without lube. All of this exists. And it can. But it doesn’t have to be. We’re writing this guide so that you can enjoy anal sex until the end of your days without any damage, so we’ll start with the protective measures for active and passive fisting.


…definitely have their appeal. Some people love the “laboratory” aspect of being handled with a glove – they feel like they’re in the safe hands of their uncle doctor. Others simply love the material the gloves are made of. And, let’s not kid ourselves, gloves also protect the manicure of the gentle patterers. But above all, they protect Fister and Fistee from some extremely annoying consequences. When people talk about infectious diseases, the HIV flag is usually waved straight away – but that no longer impresses anyone these days.

In Berlin, the risk of contracting hepatitis C now also seems to be an acceptable risk. Well, let’s move on to something else: Anyone who fists for long periods without gloves will sooner or later catch nail bed inflammation. It sounds like a minor detail. It is for “the hand”, but the next arse it gets into will pick up streptococci or staphylococci, which are difficult to treat and lead to protracted, persistent and very painful inflammation in the rectum.


Latex gloves are considered standard equipment for fisting. The material is pulled over the fingers and hand like a slightly thicker condom (same material) and has the same advantages and disadvantages: good (not 100 per cent) protection against transmissible diseases, smooth surface, but also tingling on contact with the skin. This affects the hand as well as the rosette and intestines if not sufficiently lubricated.
White: White latex gloves are probably the most commonly used, simply because they are the easiest to obtain. They are also the most practical: you can see immediately if your partner is bleeding. White gloves are, of course, also best suited to clinical settings: doctor’s coat on, white doctor’s shoes, speculum (awesome!)…
Black: Latex gloves are also available in black, which is especially sexy in an environment of leather and rubber, in playrooms, but also in your own party room. (Just a little something for the discussion at the regulars’ table: black latex gloves are not produced especially for fisting, but for laboratories where work is carried out under black light, because this makes certain samples more visible). Black is more of a disadvantage when fisting because blood is not immediately recognisable, especially in dim lighting conditions.
Extra-long: Deep fisters, i.e. men who like to penetrate others up to the shoulder joint, can of course also buy extra-long gloves. These can be purchased in veterinary shops. (Veterinary surgeons feel the calf through the bum of pregnant cows – right up to the stop!) Unfortunately, these things are very difficult to put on, and you can’t do it without help. Not to mention the pulling on the skin.

Latex alternatives

If you suffer from a latex allergy, you can find all kinds of alternatives in the healthcare sector – not least because a large proportion of hospital staff are now allergic to this natural material. Unfortunately, these alternatives are a little more expensive. However, as stuffing chickens is unlikely to become a permanent occupation, you can afford to buy a pack of latex-free gloves – after all, personal well-being should not be a matter of lack of money.


A Hamburg pianist is rumoured to be fisting in leather gloves. Well, he’s allowed to. Even the bottoms, in whose guts he tidies up. We don’t want to stretch your imagination here, but we would like to discreetly point out that leather gloves have considerable shortcomings when it comes to hygiene. Do they protect the wearer from blood and faeces? And how good is it for the passive person to be introduced to used leather gloves? If you soak them in formaldehyde beforehand, they’re bound to be ruined. The pleasure of fisting in butter-soft pigskin gloves will probably be reserved for the rich.

Industrial gloves

The really smart ones reach for gloves from household supplies (drugstore) or from industry. Construction gloves are also said to have been used. Of course, you have to ask yourself: Why? They are not really suitable for protecting against communicable diseases, so it’s more of a fetish or a fantasy. And then any advice is superfluous. If it’s fun and nobody gets hurt, well, let’s have fun!

With hand and foot

And because not everyone wants to make do with their hands. But also likes to feel a foot inside them, there are even rubber socks that make this possible.

Well lubricated is half fisted

First things first: We will refrain from making recommendations for specific lubricants here. We will only present them with their known advantages and disadvantages, because needs and sensual habits are different. A hot-blooded person may prefer water-soluble products because, among other things, they also cool. Frostbite sufferers may prefer silicone-based lubricants because they are always silky soft and warm on the skin. Still others won’t give up their Crisco habit, simply because they find the idea of their mum baking biscuits with it stimulating, without knowing what her son is doing with it. In this chapter, we introduce you to a range of different personal lubricants. And strongly recommend that you use the tips to really try out several and gain your own experience so that you don’t get stuck with the first one someone recommends. Because you could miss out on an even better feeling.

Oil-based lubricants

Oil-based personal lube has the great advantage over others that they stay where you want them to (good adhesive properties). On the other hand, their gliding properties are limited and very dependent on the outside temperature. Or the basic moisture of the mucous membrane on which they are used.


The classic for fisting. Crisco has been used for decades in many American households at Christmas for baking biscuits. When fisting, it is very smooth and does not dry out. It has good gliding properties and is generally well tolerated on the skin. However, it should also be mentioned that it has a very specific odour that clings to your clothes. And if Crisco sits for too long, it turns rancid, which is really unbearable. Crisco is available in huge cans containing almost three pounds for around 20 euros. As this is far too much for one session and it’s difficult to keep the stuff (it’s an excellent environment for breeding nasty germs!). The normal size of exactly 453 grams is sufficient. Reminder: Fat-based lubricants are not suitable for use with condoms and latex products!
As this shortening is not so easy to find in this country, it can be relatively expensive depending on the shop. Savings foxes can safely indulge in hydrogenated palm oil, e.g. the cheap brand from Rewe, ja! Biskin has similar gliding properties. It is wise to take the fat out of the fridge in good time before fisting. So that it has reached room temperature and is spreadable when used. Alternatively, you can place spoon-sized balls on cling film in the freezer until they are hard. You can then insert them through the relaxed rosette into the rectum to prepare the interior for the upcoming session.

Milking fat

Many fisters swear by milking grease. It is odourless and tasteless, fragrance-free and free from colourings, fragrances or preservatives, has an unlimited shelf life (unlike shortening, which tends to go off after a while) and is very popular due to its skin-soothing properties. But we have been told that quite a few people are allergic to it. And irritated skin means open pores. Which means it’s easier for all kinds of pathogens to outwit the skin’s own defences.


Even if Vaseline is always held up during fucking, you should have tested your body’s own reaction to it well before using it for fisting. (Vaseline was one of the very first lubricants, which is why it is still often used). Some claim that it causes allergic reactions. Others have used nothing else for years and have had the best experiences with it. After all, paraffin is the basis of most medical ointments. It has very good adhesive properties when fisting, it feels silky warm and it lasts a long time.

Latex gloves are only attacked by grease after a relatively long time, as they are much thicker than condoms. That’s why it’s safe to fist with fat, especially if you proceed gently, slowly and carefully. But you can forget about fucking with a latex condom after a greasy fisting session. Rubbers are much thinner and therefore quickly become permeable to pathogens.

Water-based lubricants

As already mentioned, water-based lube has the advantage that they cool and therefore counteract the effects of friction (if that’s what you want). They are also easier to remove from bed linen, clothing or leather trousers and chaps, and subsequent fucking is unproblematic because water-based lubricants do not attack condoms. There are lots of water-based lubricants on the market, you can easily find out about them.

Ultrasound gel

Because we keep reading about this cheap lubricant, we would at least like to mention it: Ultrasound gel is a very inexpensive lubricant (can be ordered from any pharmacy or clinic online). As it has been dermatologically tested and is neutral to the skin and mucous membranes, it can be assumed to be harmless to the skin. It also has the advantage that it is tested – unlike imported lubricants that are produced elsewhere. Ultrasonic gel is said to be free from formaldehyde, perfume additives, colourants and UV stabilisers and therefore has minimal allergenic potency. It is produced under vacuum conditions and can be stored for 30 months.

Nevertheless, we would not recommend it because it is very fluid due to its high water content and does not stay where you put it, but drip, drip, drip. And it has to be constantly topped up during fisting as it also dries up very quickly and the stuffing then starts to hurt. If you don’t have a warming device ready (e.g. baby bottle warmer), you will soon realise that this constant supply of cool mucus is unpleasant and may even counteract relaxation.


Originally a lubricant used in veterinary medicine for vaginal examinations or to facilitate childbirth, J-Lube has become an insider tip in the fisting scene. You buy this concentrated lubricant in powder form and mix it yourself with water. It is very effective and therefore very inexpensive. However, it is a little time-consuming to make and because lumps tend to remain when mixing, some users quickly despair and switch to other brands. But you can counteract this by mixing the powder with hot water. Of course, this means that you have to wait some time after preparation before you can use the lubricant if you are not keen on internal burns. Until you have practised fisting, mix J-Lube a little thicker at the beginning. That way it will stick better where you want to use it. But be warned: either way, J-Lube always turns into a stringy mega mess.
If you want to know more about this lubricant, you can find it online at There, a fan has summarised the most important data on this lubricant (unfortunately only in English) and also pointed out possible health risks – only one of which we consider to be really relevant: J-Lube consists largely of sugar – a first-class breeding ground for bacteria. Ergo: mix and use, put the rest in the fridge. Use up within a few days and all is well. For cleaning bed linen and clothes: Allow J-Lube to dry, then beat out the fabric and vacuum up the rest. Do not moisten!

Silicone-based lubricants

Silicone-based lube form a separate group. (Caution, not to be confused with the stuff from the DIY store: if you use joint sealant for fisting or fucking, you can expect major health problems!) Silicone-based lubricants have several advantages over water-based lubricants: they feel warmer on the skin, they last longer because they don’t dry out as quickly and they are therefore much more economical to use. However, they are much more expensive than other personal lubricants. And if any of it gets on the floor, there is a risk of slipping for months. You can practically never get the stains out of your bed linen (or clothes).
Anyone who hears about silicone may wonder whether it is harmful to health. However, a doctor assured us that this silicone does not penetrate the tissue, but remains on the skin and – in the case of fisting and fucking – is completely excreted again. Last but not least, silicone is also found in all kinds of hair shampoos and conditioners. However, silicone introduced into open wounds (and fisting does cause injuries from time to time) can – at least theoretically – develop scleroderma, an autoimmune connective tissue disease. There are a few known cases of this, where large amounts of silicone got under the skin. There are no studies on this.


The classic silicone-based personal lubricant is Eros. This medical lubricant has been dermatologically tested for mucous membrane compatibility, is very economical, leaves the skin feeling silky smooth, is oil and grease-free, colourless and odourless, tasteless and contains no preservatives. Although it is CE labelled and approved as a medical device, it does not guarantee compatibility on all skin types. Check for yourself.

Mister B GLIDE

Mister B, one of the world’s leading distributors of leather, fetish and sex products, offers a range of lubricants under its own name. These include Mister B Glide, a lubricant which, according to the manufacturer, can also be used as a moisturiser for the skin and as a massage oil.

Combination products

There are also all kinds of combination preparations of water-based and silicone-based personal lubricants. However, you can also put together your own mixture.

Combine it yourself

If you think you can combine water- and fat-soluble personal lubricants yourself, you’ll soon realise that it’s not that simple: if you apply the water-soluble lubricant first, you won’t have much fun with the fat-soluble lubricant afterwards; it simply won’t stick. If you apply the grease first, the water-soluble one will slip away afterwards. But it works: pump the water-based product into the intestine (easier than grease) and lubricate the entry port with grease. Well, you will soon realise that there are many possibilities, and soon you will have every reason to take part in the bloody trench warfare over the best recipes yourself. PS: At the back of the guide, Beautiful Fists, we’ll talk about DIY recipes.

Pain-relieving additives

We are sometimes asked whether it might be useful to add something anaesthetic to the lubricant so that fisting doesn’t hurt so much. Please don’t misunderstand: Anaesthetic creams only relieve the rubbing pain on the rosette skin, not the pain that arises in the intestine due to stretching – which is precisely what makes fisting so pleasurable. In any case, we advise: It’s better to use more lubricant or stop earlier. The great danger with anaesthetics is and remains that you no longer perceive the alarm signal “pain” and subsequently injure yourself. However, if you still don’t want to do without it, you can use lidocaine. This is contained in creams such as xylocaine and benzocaine. Both products are available over the counter (e.g. from Amazon). A stronger product would be Elma, for example, but this is only available on prescription.
How do you get the lubricant where you need it? You can easily get it between the cheeks and onto the rosette by hand (lubricate generously!), but it’s a good idea to get a lot of lube into the bowel before you start fisting so that it is also lubricated inside. For liquid lubricants, you can simply use an anal douche with bellows. However, there are also bladder syringes or so-called lube shooters. More solid lubricants, such as Crisco, can be spooned onto cling film and left to set in the fridge so that the Crisco dumplings or Crisco bunnies can be pushed through the rosette. However, the fat should not be cooled too much, otherwise the casing will freeze. Not nice either. The more you have pumped directly into the casing beforehand, the lower the risk of injury later on.

How much?

Quantities are difficult to specify because consumption depends on so many factors. For beginners, the guiding principle is: there is no such thing as too much. As a guide: one can of Crisco can easily be enough for a session.
Are personal lubricants harmful to health? Let’s put it this way: so far, we haven’t heard of any health problems caused by personal lubricants. But all this stuff hasn’t been in use for very long. Silicone-based personal lubricants have only been on the mass market since the beginning of the millennium. And as far as bowel cancer is concerned, Dr Esser from the Bowel Cancer Outpatient Clinic in Essen explains that bowel cancer usually develops in the lower bowel. When fisting, lubricant is pushed deep into the bowel. If it were to cause cancer, he would have to discover a higher incidence of bowel cancer in the upper bowel regions, but the experienced doctor can rule this out.

You should pay attention to this

  • All information provided by the manufacturer about the skin compatibility of the products is irrelevant. Test the lubricants on your mucous membrane. If it doesn’t burn, if it doesn’t turn red, if it feels good, you can probably tolerate it. If it is uncomfortable in any way, change immediately.
  • Try out different lubricants until you find one that suits you personally.
  • Always use enough so that friction on the skin is avoided.
  • Does it fit the setting (depending on the use of latex, leather or other aids)?


The sling is the traditional fist furniture par excellence. In our opinion, no other piece of furniture is used more often for fisting than the hanging swing. It is a type of swing with a larger lying surface. You lie on your back in it and stretch your legs in the air, not unlike a woman in a gynaecological chair. This position allows unhindered access to the vulva, the bowel lies horizontally so that a resourceful arm can move around in it in a relaxed manner. Slings are available in a wide variety of designs and price ranges; expensive versions made of strong leather are often hung from ceiling hooks in clubs or are available to guests as stationary furniture.

Foot loops/shackles

The sling itself is not a saviour. If you intend to make yourself comfortable in it for longer, you should remember that stretching your legs in the air is not the most comfortable of positions. It is easier if you hang your thighs or legs by the ankles in ankle loops or ankle cuffs. This allows the passive person to relax better.


Better-equipped clubs are also happy to provide a trestle. It allows you to get on all fours. During longer sessions, passives can also relax with their chest on it.

Thick towel

Thick, fluffy towels are not only pleasant for the skin, they also absorb a lot of liquid …

Rubber mat

If you don’t have access to more elaborate equipment such as a sling at home, you should bear in mind that the mattress could be damaged by spontaneous urination. It is therefore advisable to protect it with a rubber mat. If you don’t want to spend the money on expensive products, you can use pond liner (available at any DIY store).

Crisco & Fist Lube holder

You should always think practically. Where do you put the lube in the party room? On the floor? You have to bend down all the time. And who knows who might knock it over in passing? With a holder, you can simply attach it to your belt, so you have it close by and can be sure that nobody else will grab it.

That’s what matters

Furniture is designed to make fisting more comfortable. So make sure that it is comfortable when you buy it. Looks are secondary.


Open sesame!

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